It’s time for a power up…

Enjoy the latest blogs from The Self Leadership Initiative. You’ll find a range of pieces on student leadership, wellbeing, skills development, the education sector and some handy how-to guides to support your development.

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What are the foundations for strong student wellbeing?

Student wellbeing is high on your priorities. Take a look at the tried and tested positive psychology tools that have impact

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12 barriers to boundary setting in Students’ Unions

Learn why SU staff and student leaders find it hard to set boundaries and how to start putting boundaries in place.

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Why in person wellbeing trumps digital every time

You may be tempted to tackle student wellbeing with a digital solution. But real impact needs a human approach.

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We need careers services led by purpose to help our students flourish

Is your careers service starting in the wrong place? Let's begin with students' purpose.

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Is the education system stifling student resilience?

Vulnerability is important for student success. - but our current education system may be suppressing it.

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7 ways that personality tests can support team performance

Used wisely, personality tests can help you to drive engagement, efficiency and the effectiveness of your teams.

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Why student-led campaigns underpinned by coaching deliver more impact

See how coaching is the secret to getting your students engaged and excited to lead their own high-impact campaigns.

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How giving your students the reins leads to better campaigns

Learn 6 ways that coaching helps your students to deliver more ambitious campaigns.

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8 reasons why a team values task is perfect for officer induction training

Are you ready for an officer induction activity that has value for the whole year? Why not try a team values exercise.

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Using a learning cycle to level up your training

This 5 step learning cycle ensures that your students engage with training and use the skills they learn in their lives.

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Your perfect trainer needs more than just training skills

Looking for training with impact for your students? Then read these secret ingredients in addition to being a trainer.

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Exploring your personal values

Your personal values guide your decision making and behaviour. Check out these tools for understanding your values.

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The Importance of Brave Spaces in the Workplace

If you are looking to build an excellent culture in your workplace then learn to facilitate brave spaces.

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Finding a meditation practice that works for you

There are many different types of meditation to support your wellbeing and focus - which one works for you?

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The Inner Development Goals: A guide for leaders

The Inner Development Goals Framework is a powerful tool to help individuals and teams achieve their full potential.

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5 Tips for Being More Assertive in the Workplace

Learn effective strategies for assertiveness in the workplace to build better relationships and achieve your goals.

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Setting great goals for the year ahead

Avoid the common pitfalls of goal setting with these handy tips.

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Reflections for the New Year

Before jumping into plans for your new year, take some time to reflect on the one just passed.

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How to hack your mood for better exam performance

Learn how to put yourself in the right frame of mind to maximise your exam performance.

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The importance of empathy in leadership

Empathy in leaders has been shown to have a range of measurable benefits for teams.

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How to effectively work with your worries

Over worrying impacts our health and wellbeing. Fortunately, we can learn tools to challenge thinking and worry less.

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How can you achieve the good life?

What are the key ingredients to a life worth living, and how can we be more intentional about making them happen?

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Using The ADKAR Model To Support Change Management

Change can be a difficult journey for individuals and teams, which is why leaders need to be adept at change management.

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The Importance Of Defining Your Values As A Leader

Our decision making is largely influenced by our core values - which is why it's essential to know what they are.

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Group Coaching vs Individual Coaching – which will work for you?

Coaching is a powerful way to help you reach your potential – but do you need individual, team or group coaching?

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8 Reasons You Need The Self Leadership Initiative

With 8 years of experience of helping people to reach their potential, read the 8 biggest reasons you need a dose of the SLI

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Why is it important to label emotions?

Learn how simply labelling emotions can take the edge off of difficult feelings and lead to better responses.

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Project Management series: Part 5 – The importance of feedback and evaluation in successful projects

Wrap up your project like a pro by ensuring you've covered your evaluation and feedback processes.

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Using Coaching Questions to Have Better Meetings

If you want to keep your meetings structured and on track then these coaching questions may be just the thing.

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Project Management for self-leaders: Part 4 – Becoming a risk mitigation maven for maximum project impact

All projects come with risks - anticipating them well and mitigating the challenges are key to an excellent project.

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How to overcome limiting beliefs

Learning to overcome limiting beliefs helps us to seize opportunities, express ourselves and reach our potential.

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Project Management For Self-Leaders: Part 3 – The 5 Secret Tools For Effective Time Management In Projects

Discover how to maximise and manage your time for Project Management that delivers.

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Why leaders should encourage ‘The Right Kind of Wrong’

Not all failures are created equal. Learn how leaders can recognise and promote 'intelligent failures'.

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Project Management for self-leaders: Part 2 – 6 things you need to know about getting organised for Project Management excellence

Get your project ready with agreement, identifying tasks, resources & choosing the ideal Project Management method.

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Using the science of gratitude to boost employee engagement

Read on to discover how you can apply the principles (and benefits) of gratitude within the workplace

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Project Management for self-leaders: Part 1 – The 5 elements of visioning / goal setting you need to know

Defining your project goals & vision well helps you to generate an effective plan, maintain the purpose and inspire people.

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Leadership Lessons from the Dalai Lama

A Force For Good by Daniel Goleman and The Dalai Lama sets out excellent lessons for all compassionate leaders.

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Using the Logical Levels to Support Change

Dilts’ Logical Levels is an excellent tool for understanding peoples experiences and implementing effective change.

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Setting up your space for success

“Psychogeography is the fact that you have an opinion about a space the moment you step into it.”

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Crafting a morning routine for success

If you are looking to carve out a successful life for yourself, then the way you start your day is essential.

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How coaching can help you on your leadership journey

If you are looking to level up your leadership then coaching could be an excellent choice.

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The importance of being a proactive self leader

Discover why being proactive is so important to self-leaders and how you can get started with becoming more proactive.

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Get more done by planning rest and learning into your life

Working away all of the time doesn't always lead to productivity. Read why you need time to rest and learn in your life.

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Create a vision board to springboard your year

If you are looking for a way to achieve more this year, why not create yourself a vision board? Find out how here.

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Developing a growth mindset in your teams

Why is it that some people love to push themselves, whilst others hide away - mindset may well be the key.

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Looking after your mood in winter months

It can be common for people to experience a dip in their mood over winter. Learn some handy tips beating the winter blues.

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Live healthier by changing your attitude to stress

Stress may not be the thing that does damage, but rather the way you think about stress.

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The importance of self reflection in leadership

If you are looking to level up your leadership then practicing self reflection could be the key.

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What can employers do to support mental health?

As employers try to navigate support for mental health, the dual spectrum model can offer helpful perspectives.

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Are you developing the right time management skills?

Improving your time management actually requires understanding your specific challenges. Read about the categories here.

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The secret to keeping your team engaged during training: pacing

If you are planning training for your team then you want buy-in, application & impact. Getting the pacing right is the key!

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The Learning Ladder: a more compassionate approach to training

Discover how the Learning Ladder can empower you and your teams to achieve training excellence.

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Emotional Intelligence: the key to great leadership

Studies show that people with high levels of emotional intelligence flourish in leadership positions. But what does EI mean?

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Trust, transparency and getting back to the office

When deciding whether to bring your teams back into the office, an important consideration is the impact it has on trust.

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Failure: The learning curve your teams need to succeed

Failure gets a negative perception but learning to embrace and utilise failure is a springboard to success.

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Utilising Ikigai in the workplace

Although popular for individual wellbeing, Ikigai can also be utilised by managers and leaders to build effective teams.

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Slow & steady – the power of habit building

Want a sustainable change to your behaviour? Try switching goals for habits.

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Level up your leadership: learning the art of asking

Learn how five tips can help you to lead your teams with questions more effectively.

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Changing the conversation to positive mental health

There are two different approaches to tackling mental health - and it's important that we shift the balance.

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Is procrastination working for or against you?

Procrastination has two sides; a productive and creative process and a stress inducing panic. Which side do you fall on?

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Why perk boxes and yoga are not the answer to employee wellbeing

It’s true that perk boxes and yoga sessions have their place, but these short-term fixes aren’t your first step.

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The secret to getting your people to embrace change

A key task for all leaders in the workplace is helping team members to embrace and grow through change.

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Could gratitude be the key to a happier 2021?

If you are looking for a more joyful and resilient life, then the science points to some simple and easy practices...

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Words are worth 7%, really?

Have you ever heard the factoid that only 7% of your communication is the words you say? How can that be?

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How to Feel Happier

If you've found yourself thinking "I want to be happier" then there's good news and bad news...

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The Queen’s Gambit: Developing a Growth Mindset

Netflix's 'The Queen's Gambit' is a gripping drama and a perfect example of the journey to growth mindset.

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Flexible Optimism: the key to success as a self leader

Learned Optimism is a powerful book for self leaders in-the-making to understand the importance of flexible optimism.

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From zero to hero: 6 years of transformation for The SLI

As The Self Leadership Initiative turns 6, it’s time for some self reflection and celebration.

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How Lockdown is Awakening Self Leadership

During Lockdown, you may have accidentally got a taste of self leadership - and found that you rather like it!

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Compassion And Action: The key to successfully navigating crisis

When you witness challenges and suffering you have two routes: empathy fatigue or utilising compassion.

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Fulfilling your potential with four types of behavioural change

By recognising that not all behavioural change works in the same way, you can be more targeted in your strategies for change

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Book Reviews: Who Moved My Cheese & I Moved Your Cheese

Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson and I Moved Your Cheese by Deepak Malhotra are two powerful books for self leaders.

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The Benefits of Juggling

There are so many reasons to include juggling at your next team development session; resilience, brain boost and more!

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3 ways powerful self leaders navigate a crisis like lockdown

What’s helping self leaders to navigate the lockdown in a healthier way? What tips can I implement in a crisis?

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The Power of Games

Games are a powerful learning tool in any scenario because they are fun multi-layered, challenging & inspire “ah ha” moments

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