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How do you get people to back your campaigns. Freebies? Mottos? Tiktok dances? They may catch a few supporters but what you really need is a powerful story.
In this online workshop, you’ll learn how activists build their narratives in order to connect to their audience, and you’ll get practical tools to start using in your own campaigns. You’ll take away:
Unfortunately stress seems to be a built-in feature of modern life. But we can all can all learn to cope with stress and uncertainty in a way that’s healthier for our body and mind. This session will walk you through some simple but effective tools to better cope with the stresses of life. You’ll take away:
In order for your team to perform well, bond and grow you want a culture of giving feedback. But sometimes we accidentally slide into complaining or criticism which brings down team morale and puts us off regular feedback.
This online workshop will help you to feel more confident giving your colleagues the kind of feedback that will be constructive, well received and build trust in your team. You’ll take away:
Many people struggle to set boundaries at work for a whole host of reasons. But healthy boundaries are essential to look after our wellbeing and therefore our effectiveness at work. Some of the keys to setting great boundaries are knowing what you want (or don’t want), why that matters to you and being able to communicate that to others in an assertive way – confident but friendly. And there are tools to help you achieve this. You’ll take away:
You finally managed to get everyone in the same room or teams call… but all you can hear is tumbleweed! Either that or the same few voices are leading the conversation. It’s frustrating because you know people have more to offer.
this online workshop will give you a buffet of facilitation tools and practical tips that help people to feel more comfortable participating in meetings and which liven up meetings too. You” take away:
More of your colleagues experience anxiety than ever before – whether you know it or not. And each person’s anxiety may show up in different ways. We can learn strategies to help people to slow their thoughts, relax the body and take a measured approach to their anxiety. When colleagues feel supported it means they experience greater belonging in the team and hopefully able to manage their challenges more effectively. You’ll take away: