Coaching FAQs

What can I expect in a coaching session?

Every coaching session looks a little bit different depending on what you want to achieve and how far into the coaching process you are.


You can always expect a friendly, non-judgemental space to have a powerful and constructive conversation. We will start by outlining your topic and what you want to get out of the session. The bulk of the session involves using coaching techniques to help you unpack your topic, identify challenges, gain awareness, challenge thinking and ultimately move forwards. If appropriate, Gemma may share useful tools and resources with you to help you meet your goals. You’ll then wrap the session up by considering what you are taking away, what actions you will implement in your life and any further work to be done (together or separately). People are often surprised at how much of the session is dedicated to them doing the talking, and often comment that this is refreshing and gives them a much needed space to gain clarity.


Do not expect advice. The role of a coach is not to tell you what to do or make recommendations – you will come to your own decisions because you are the expert in your own life.

How long are coaching sessions?

These standard coaching sessions last up to 60 minutes.

If you are finding that 60 minutes is not long enough for you then it is possible to invest in 90 or 120 minute sessions.

How often are the coaching sessions?

You choose! Some people benefit from weekly sessions to keep up the momentum of positive change. Other people prefer monthly coaching so that they have plenty of time to work on their plans. When you book your sessions, you can share how often you would like your coaching sessions to be.

How do you meet with clients?

Most clients book their sessions as a video conference on Zoom. This allows us to work together from the comfort of our own spaces without the need to spend time travelling. Coaching sessions can also be done over the phone, or in person for clients in the Sheffield area.

What are the payment options?

You can pay by bank transfer or paypal and an invoice will be provided for your records. All payments must be received before your coaching begins.

How do I book a session?

Once your payment has been received you will be given access to a digital diary link. This lets you see all of Gemma’s available time slots and select a time that works for you. (It even calculates time zone differences!)

How long does it take to achieve results?

That’s up to you! The Best Life 1-2-1 coaching package is 5 sessions long because many people benefit from this time commitment to fully understand their change and then create a well-formed action plan. Having said that, clients usually feel a sense of clarity and lightness right from the first session because they have the time and space to think out loud and begin moving forwards.


If at the end of the five sessions you feel that you would benefit from more coaching, you are of course welcome to continue your journey - simply let Gemma know.

Is there homework?

Yes. Sometimes your topic, challenge or change may benefit from a handy tool or some prompt questions to think about outside of the coaching session. You’ll get a say in any post-session tasks and any deadlines. Completing things outside of the session maximises the time you have to pick Gemma’s brains during your sessions.


Even when no specific tools or resources have been set, you will always be doing ‘the homework’ of working on the goals that you have set for yourself.

What are your qualifications?

Gemma holds a Diploma in transformative coaching from The Animas Centre for Coaching, recognised by all three coaching bodies (ICF, EMCC & AC).

She also holds a first class degree in psychology, a PGCE in Teaching and has 15 years of experience of working in the personal development field.

Do you offer coaching for organisations?

Yes. Many organisations like to provide group or 1:1 coaching to staff to help them develop their skills, lead with purpose and work towards goals. Please [get in touch] to discuss your bespoke needs.